Mission Statement 

 When was the first time you experienced something that you never forgot, your first kiss, your first display of bravery, your ABC’s? Welcome then to Something New, Something Now, Something WOW - POEARTISTRY. Poeartistry by its definition bridges the gaps between The Poet, The Illustrator, The Musician, The Dancer and The Performer in a manner that they are all both changed forever and synthesized into something more. Poeartistry as all artistic concepts should, acts as a conduit between Gender, Cultures and Styles without making any of them secondary. It is Poeartistry’s unique ability to maximize the potential of its participants that sets it apart from the norm. It is Poeartistry’s relevant originality that draws the viewer into a performance that leaves them asking for more yet immediately satisfies the hunger of an original spirit. Poeartistry through application will show both an understanding for our current way and hope for a brighter day in action. Through entertainment the audience gains a greater understanding of the lives they lead and may yet lead.

For many years, we’ve seen the path of strong results being made by people who make creative intentions. But what if it is the environment created that mimics behaviors you want to see, ultimately creating those making even better choices while also increasing overall health and performance. Our mission at Poeartistry is to define solutions to further develop our progressive society and encourage individuals to embrace their true identities. By exploring what can happen when we cultivate a sacred space, the work and artistry follow, unveiling long-term effects that can change the dynamic of someone’s life. When we all work in the same direction to connect to one another while achieving goals, we simultaneously co-create the development process that will withstand the test of time. 

Brand Story 

 Storytelling is an art form in the many ways we can imagine characters, personalities, and conflicts. But when it comes to your own journey and telling the story of who you are in your life, it can be a little more complicated to create the narrative. In an effort to mainstream foundational lessons of social-emotional learning amongst the younger generation, Poeartistry equips users with intentional artistry. Through various resources such as curricular-based activities, this program takes a holistic and creative approach to a mindset that promotes high-level self-awareness. 

 Poeartistry was created by licensed master social worker, educator, author, and performer Rage Sinclaire, also known as Gregory M. Singer, and award-winning producer, social worker, and executive producer of Poeartistry Dr. Lee Stone in 2002. Inspired by the comic books read by so many in their childhood, Rage Sinclaire has always been empowered by being exactly who he wants to be in life. This heroic disposition has allowed him to create a psychologically safe space where individuals off all ages can formulate an identity through self-esteem and art. Poeartistry had a fully orchestrated album for its poetry on music and all that can be explored through a word. With over 25 years in the music field, Dr. Stone has transformed the creativity of the musical genre to celebrate meaning and cognitive advancements. By implementing the lifestyle of Poeartistry, you’re fueling the heart to understand the power of words and actions in the form of beauty. The layering of self-esteem embarks on a discovery of self-definition that ultimately validates the incredible life you were born to live. By incorporating all learning pathways, this space allows further development for growing minds. Using the performing arts as an avenue for comprehension, this platform explores honesty, integrity, strengths, weaknesses, and an overall growth mindset to ignite a better version of yourself and sustain those new achievements. Why Poeartistry? Poeartistry excludes no one. Through its presentation it brings out the best in the performer. Dancers will dance with power and grace, Poets will pronounce their passion for the spoken word, singers will sing in a manner that will give wings to their wonder and illustrators from all orientations will be presented with a clarity that mere words will only assist to describe. Poeartistry is Emotional Literacy. With remakes of old standards becoming the new norm within all areas of the artistic spectrum, the voice of Poeartistry will always remain refreshing and original. Poeartistry is Artistic Personal Empowerment.

 Regardless of your walk in this life, everyone can experience a moment where the magic takes place, and you are called to explore your purpose. Whether you know it or not, your human form is intended to create and be part of incredible times that remind you of how great it is to be alive. Poeartistry is a multi-cultural performing arts approach that combines poetic prose, music, dance, dramatic theatre, graphic arts, live performances, and multi-media staging. This platform allows those inner voices to ask questions that make you trust without hesitation. Channel your intuition in ways that allow you to make sound choices with confidence and grace.